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More extreme principles



- Support for the banning of the Quran and the Hadith (as these books propagate violence, genocide and war against all non-Muslims).

- Disallow mosques in Europe as long as Christians are not allowed to build Churches in Saudi Arabia and other Islamic countries.

- Support the dismantlement of Protestantism in the Nordic countries, the UK, Germany (replacing it with Catholicism).



Europe, Anti-immigration parties/orgs – Nationalist parties/orgs


Overview includes several right wing groups from very moderate to very extreme (certain overlapping terms):



- Conservative Christian organisations

- Cultural conservatives (moderate to extreme)

- Regionalists and/or various Nationalists

- Anti-immigration parties

- Right wing populists

- Racial conservatives

- National Socialists (included although these are considered left wing)


Western Europe (updated 2008)




Freiheitliche Partei Österreichs (FPÖ) Freedom Party of Austria http://www.fpoe.at/ (anti-immigration) 17,5% in 2008 election


Bündnis Zukunft Österreich (BZÖ) Alliance for the Future of Austria http://www.bzoe.at/ (anti-immigration) 10,7% in 2008 election, lead by Haider




Vlaams Blok (Flemish Bloc) www.vlaamsblok.be (anti-immigration)


Flandern (regional)

Vlaams Belang (VB) Flemish Interest http://www.vlaamsbelang.org/ / http://www.vlaamsbelang.be (Nationalism, anti immigration) 24,2% in 2004 election,

VLOTT – anti-multicult: www.vlott.be

New Flemish Alliance - http://www.n-va.be

Front National (FN - National Front) http://www.frontnational.be/ (Nationalism) – 2% in 2007 election, 4,7% in Brussels.

Groen Rechts http://www.groenrechts.be/ (Nationalist Flandern)

Mouvement Nation http://www.nation.be (nationalist org)

New Belgian Front - Front Nouveau de Belgique - FNB Pour la Securite http://www.fnb.to/ + fnb.be (nationalist org, anti immigration)




Dansk Folkeparti (DF) Danish People's Party http://www.danskfolkeparti.dk/ (moderate, anti-immigration) 13,8% in 2007 election

(DNSB) www.dnsb.info (NS)




Perussuomalaiset (PS) True Finns - http://www.perussuomalaiset.fi/ (anti-immigration) 4,1% in 2007 election

Suomen Sisu - http://www.suomensisu.org/ (nationalistic org)

Assosiation of Finnish Culture and Identity - http://www.suomalaisuudenliitto.fi/ (nationalistic culture org)

Bluewhites of the Finnish People - http://www.kolumbus.fi/sinivalkoiset/ (nationalist party)

Independence party-League of Free Finland - http://www.vapaansuomenliitto.fi/




Front National (FN) National Front http://www.frontnational.com (Nationalism) 4,3% in 2007 election

Front National de la Jeunesse – National Front Youth http://www.fnj.info/ (anti immigration org)

Renouveau français - "French renewal" (nationalist party/org) http://www.renouveaufrancais.com/

The National Republican Movement (Mouvement National Républicain or MNR) – far right: www.m-n-r.net

The Movement for France (Mouvement pour la France or MPF), Conservative: www.pourlafrance.fr

Les Identitaires (NR) : www.les-identitaires.com/ (nationalist org)

Jeunesses Identitaires (Youth) : www.jeunesses-identitaires.com/

Bloc Identitaire - http://www.bloc-identitaire.com (politics)

Terre et Peuple http://www.terreetpeuple.com/ (Nationalist org)

Britanny (Regional)

ADSAV - http://adsav.free.fr (Separatist, Nationalist org.)

Alsace d'Abord / Elsass Zuerst www.alsacedabord.org/ (Alsatian regionalist)




National Democratic Party (anti-immigration) NPD (Nationaldemokratische Partei Deutschlands (Hamburg?) http://www.npd.de/

In Hamburg - Law and Order Offensive, led by judge Ronald Schill, won nearly 20 percent of the vote last autumn.

Pro-Köln had 4,7% in Köln - www.pro-koeln.org (Moderate nationalism)

Deutsche Volksunion, DVU http://www.dvu.de/ (anti immigration party).

Deutsche Liga für Volk und Heimat (German League for Folk and Homeland) http://www.dlvh.de (anti immigration org)

Die Republikaner http://www.rep.de/ (anti immigration party)

Bürgerbewegung pro Nordrhein-Westfalen - pro NRW - http://www.pro-nrw.org/




Hellenic Front http://www.metopo.gr/ – (anti-immigration)

Laikos Orthodoxos Sunagermos (LAOS - Popular Orthodox Rally) http://www.laos.gr/ (Nationalism) 3,8% in 2007 election

Patriotiki Summahia/Patriotic Alliance (nationalist movement) disbanded Jan 07, its newspaper/website Eleutheros Kosmos is still active - http://elkosmos.gr/site/

Chrysi Avyi (Golden Dawn) - www.xrushaugh.org (nationalist/racial conservative org) Website of youth Front and “Resistance Hellas-Antepithesi” magazine: http://www.antepithesh.net/




Immigration Control Platform (ICP) http://www.immigrationcontrol.org/ (anti-immigration org)



Irish Nationalism Website http://irish-nationalism.net/forum/




Alleanza Nazionale (AN) National Alliance - http://www.alleanzanazionale.it/ (anti-immigration party)

Lega Nord (LN) League North - http://www.leganord.org/ (anti-immigration party) 8,3% in 2008 election.

Tricolour Flame (Movimento Sociale Fiamma Tricolore, MS-FT) http://www.fiammatricolore.net (anti-immigration party)

La Destra (LD) - http://www.partitoladestra.com/ (Nationalism) 2,4% in 2008 election in joint coop with Fiamma Tricolore

Fronte Sociale Nazionale - http://www.frontenazionale.it (anti-immigration party)

Forza Nuova - http://www.forzanuova.org - (nationalist movement)

Destra Nazionale http://www.destranazionale.org (nationalist org)




Alternative Democratic Reform Party (Alternativ Demokratesch Reformpartei) right wing: http://www.adr.lu/




VivaMalta – http://www.vivamalta.org (Nationalist media site)

Imperium Europa (IE) - http://www.imperium-europa.org/home.asp (Nationalist media site)

Maltese Nationalist Party - http://www.pn.org.mt/

National Action - http://www.azzjoninazzjonali.org/




Partij voor de Vrijheid (PVV) Freedom Party http://www.pvv.nl/ (anti-immigration) 5,9% in 2006 election, Geert Wilders

Lijst Pim Fortuyn (LPF) List Pim Fortuyn (dissolved)) (anti immigration)
NVB http://www.nationalistischevolksbeweging.nl/ (Nationalist org)
Dietse Kameraden http://www.dietsekameraden.com/ (Nationalist org)

Nederlandse Volks Unie - NVU - http://www.nvu.info/ (Racial Conservative)



Fremskrittspartiet (FRP) Progress Party http://www.frp.no/ (moderate, anti-immigration) 22,1% in 2005 election

NorgesPatriotene (anti-immigration party/org) http://www.norgespatriotene.org

Federlandspartiet http://fedrelandspartiet.no/ (nationalist party)




Popular Party - The Democratic and Social Centre - People's Party (Centro Democrático e Social - Partido Popular) (CDS-PP) moderate anti-immigration: http://www.cds.pt/

Partido Nacional Renovador, PNR - National Renewal Party http://www.pnr.pt/ (nationalist party) 0,2% in 2005 election

Frente Nacional (Radical micro party)

The People's Monarchist Party - http://www.ppm.pt

New Democracy Party - http://www.pnd.pt



Nationalist websites/blogs:







In Spain the scene of radically restrictionist parties is very fragmented. The leading but tiny restrictionist party Democracia Nacional has contested the last two Spanish general elections as the head of a coalition named Plataforma España and Frente Español.


La Falange (Falange Española de las J.O.N.S.) (tiny political party + militant movement, ) - http://www.falange.es HQ in Madrid. Vastly reduced in size and power today, three smaller organisations under the Falange banner received 27,166 votes between them in the 2004

España 2000 - http://www.esp2000.org - anti-immigration party,

Has taken Valencia by storm, winning councillors in three town halls. Minor presence in Catalonia, Granada and Madrid.

Alianza Nacional - www.alianzanacional.es - anti-immigration party,

Democracia Nacional - http://www.democracianacional.org – (anti immigration party) DN won three seats last election and is led by Manuel Canduela, founding member of the nationalist band División 250.

Fuerza Nueva (New Force) www.fuerzanueva.org – anti immigration party

Plataforma per Catalunya (PxC) http://www.pxcatalunya.com (anti immigration party) gained 17 councillors in Catalonia last election

The Partido de Acción Demócrata Española (PADE) won 20 councillors in Madrid and Guadalajara.

The new anti-immigration parties gained 50 extra councillors in Spain’s local elections in 2007. Expect the 2011 elections to see a further boom in this field - unless Spain manages to combat prejudices and consolidate growing multiculturalism at the community level.



Moviment Social Republicà de Catalunya http://es.geocities.com/msrcatalunya/ (nationalist Catalunya)

Estado Nacional Europeo http://www.n-europa.org/

Carlist Traditionalist Communion - http://www.ctcarlista.org/




Sverigedemokraterna (SD) Swedish Democrats www.sverigedemokraterna.se (anti immigrant party) 4% on national level and 11% in Malmø last election
Nationaldemokraterna (ND) National Democrats www.nationaldemokraterna.se (anti immigrant party)
SMR/Svenska Motståndrörelsen/Swedish Resistance Movement and Nationell Ungdom/National Youth, share this site - http://www.patriot.nu/ (nationalist movement)




Schweizerische Volkspartei (SVP) Swiss People's Party http://www.svp.ch/ (National conserv.) 29% in 2007 election

Schweizer Demokraten (SD) Swiss Democrats http://www.schweizer-demokraten.ch/ (Nationalism) 0,5% in 2007 election

National Orientierter Schweizer (PNOS) http://www.pnos.ch/ (anti-immigration org)

The Freedom Party of Switzerland (FPS) (Freiheits-Partei der Schweiz)right wing: http://www.freiheits-partei.ch/



United Kingdom

British National Party www.bnp.org.uk (anti-immigrant party)

BNP Youth - http://youth.bnp.org.uk/

BNP Scotland - http://scotland.bnp.org.uk/

BNP Newspaper - http://www.bnp.org.uk/freedom/

BNP Magazine - http://www.identitymagazine.org.uk/

The UK National Front http://www.natfront.com/ (nationalist party)

England First Party http://www.efp.org.uk/ (nationalist party/org)

National Liberal Party - http://www.nationalliberal.org/ (Third Way- Britain)

Conservative Democratic Alliance - http://www.cdall.net/

Civil Liberty - http://www.civilliberty.org.uk/


Solidarity Trade Union - http://www.solidaritytradeunion.net/

Steadfast Trust, charity for the English - http://www.steadfasttrust.org.uk/

The Countryside Alliance - http://www.countryside-alliance.org
Better Off Out (of the E.U.) - http://www.betteroffout.co.uk
Campaign for an English Parliament - http://www.thecep.org.uk/wordpress/
Stop Common Purpose - http://www.stopcp.com/
The Royal British Legion - http://www.britishlegion.org.uk
Tradition, Family and Property - http://www.tfp.org/
Action In England - http://www.actioninengland.gb.com/
The Conservative Monday Club - http://www.conservativeuk.com/index.htm

Third Way - http://www.thirdway.eu/

Ulster Nation, progressive Ulster Nationalism - http://www.ulsternation.org.uk/

Migration Watch UK - http://www.migrationwatchuk.com/

The New Right - http://www.new-right.org/


Websites and Blogs:








Eastern Europe


Eastern European Right wing parties/nationalist orgs:


The term “anti-immigration” or “anti-Islamisation” does not capture the core concerns of Eastern European nationalist parties. Because immigration into these countries is very limited, these parties have not mobilised against immigrants. Rather, they have promoted strong right wing nationalism and as such they have mobilised anti-EU sentiments, as well as anti-Semitism (in particular the Polish Self Defence and the Hungarian Life and Justice) and opposition against other ethnic groups, in particular the Roma (gypsies).


In Russia there are several forms of “nationalism”. You have the pro-Kreml organisations like the Nashi (pro government youth org) who officially are opposed to all fascist groups including National Socialists. Ironically cultural Marxist/multiculturalist (politically correct) Western European media view Nashi and all supporters of the Russian government as fascists (including the government itself).



Albania (Listing non-Muslim parties/orgs)

Partia Demokristiane e Shqipërisë (PDK) (Christian Democratic Party of Albania) - http://www.pdkdiaspora.com/ - (Christian dem.)

Partia Bashkimi për të Drejtat e Njeriut (PBDNJ) (Greek min., Centrism)

Comment: 70% Muslims, 30% Christians according to CIA factbook




Liberal'no-Demokratičeskaja Partija (LDP) Liberal-Democratic Party http://www.ldpb.net/ (Nationalism)



Bosnia and Hercegovina(Listing non-Muslim parties/orgs)

Srpska Demokratska Stranka (SDS) Serbian Democratic Party (Nationalism (Serbian)) 7,7% in 2006 election




Nacionalen Săjuz Ataka (ATAKA) National Union Attack http://www.ataka.bg/en (Nationalism) 8,1% in 2005 election




Hrvatska Stranka Prava (HSP) Croatian Right's Party http://www.hsp.hr/ (Nationalism) 3,4% in 2007 election

Hrvatski Demokratski Sabor Slavonije i Baranje (HDSSB) Croatian Democratic Assembly of Slavonia and Baranja http://www.hdssb.hr/ (Regionalism, Nationalism) 1,8% in 2007 election



Czech Republic

Natodni Strana (National Party) - http://www.narodni-strana.cz/ (anti-immigration party)

Národní Odpor - http://www.odpor.org/ (Nationalist org)



Estonian Independence Party - (Eesti Iseseisvuspartei) http://www.iseseisvuspartei.ee/

Estonian Nationalist Movement - http://rahvuslikliikumine.ee/




Magyar Igazság és Élet Pártja (MIEP) Hungarian Party for Justice and Life http://www.miep.hu/ (nationalist party)

Hatvannegy Varmegye Ifjusagi Mozgalom http://www.hvim.hu/ (nationalist movement)

The Movement for a Better Hungary (in English) http://www.jobbik.com/



Latvian National Democratic Party (NS?)

"Visu Latvijai!" ("All for Latvia!") - http://www.visulatvijai.lv
Tēvzemei un Brīvībai/LNNK (TB/LNNK) Fatherland and Freedom http://www.tb.lv/ (National conserv. anti-immigrant) 6,9% in 2006 election

NSS (National Power Unity) - (on 2006.10. parliament ellections get 0.12%)
Klubs 415 - http://www.klubs415.lv (nationalist org)
LNF (National Front of Latvia) - not a political party - http://www.dddlnf.com/
Pro-Russian Latvian Party - http://www.lndp.lv/ Today latvian nationalists often use rusofobian speech and anti-russian action.This party is opposing it.




Tvarka ir Teisingumas (TT) Order and Justice (former LDP) http://www.ldp.lt/ (National conserv., Nationalist) 11,4% in 2004 election




IMRO patriotic macedonian party - http://www.vmro-np.org.mk/




Srpska Narodna Stranka (SNS) Serbian People's Party http://www.sns.cg.ru (Nationalism) 14,6% in 2006 election




Samoobrona Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej (SRP) (Self-Defence of the Republic of Poland) http://www.samoobrona.org.pl (anti-immigration?) 1,5% in 2007 election

Liga Polskich Rodzin (LPR) (League of Polish Families) http://www.lpr.pl/ (Nationalism, Christian right) 1,3% in 2007 election

National Radical Camp - http://onr.com.pl (Nationalists)
Narodowe Odrodzenie Polski (NOP) National Rebirth Of Poland - http://nop.org.pl (Nationalist) 0,6% in regional election in 2006

Liga obrony Suwerenności http://los-polski.org.pl/ (nationalist org)

Law and Justice Party - http://www.pis.org.pl/main.php




Partidul România Mare (PRM) Great Romania Party http://www.prm.org.ro/ (Nationalism)

Noua Dreaptă (New Right) www.nouadreapta.org (nationalist movement)




Edinaja Rossija (ER) United Russia http://www.edinros.ru/ (Centrism) 64,3% in 2007 election

Liberal'no-Demokratičeskaja Partija Rossii (LDPR) Liberal-Democratic Party of Russia http://www.ldpr.ru/ (Nationalism) 8,1% in 2007 election

Russian National Unity http://www.rne.org/

Movement Against Illegal Immigration (DPNI) - http://www.dpni.org/ (Nationalist org)

Nashi (government funded nationalist youth movement) – 100 000 members, positions itself as a pro-government, anti faschist, anti NS movement. http://www.nashi.su/

Molodaya gvardiya (Young Guard) pro-Kremlin youth group similar to Nashi - http://www.molgvardia.ru/ By Western pro-Eurabia media, these two organisations are seen as “Putin-jugend” of fascist nature, although Russian NS probably views them as traitors.




Serbian Radical Party (Srpska Radikalna Stranka) www.srs.org.ru (Nationalism, anti-immigration)

Socijalistička Partija Srbije (SPS) Socialist Party of Serbia http://www.sps.org.ru (Nationalism)




Slovenská Národná Strana (SNS) Slovak National Party http://www.sns.sk/ (Nationalism) 11,7% in 2006 election

L'udová Strana - Hnuti za Demockratické Slovensko (LS-HZDS) People's Party - Movement for a Democratic Slovakia http://www.hzds.sk/ (anti immigrant?) 8,8% in 2006 election

Slovenská pospolitosť – banned in 2006 http://www.pospolitost.org/ (Nationalist party/movement)




Slovenska Nacionalna Stranka (SNS) Slovenian National Party http://www.sns.si/ (Nationalist) 5,4% in 2008 election




Ukrainian National-Worker's Party (UNTP) New name?



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